NDIS Services
f you have an NDIS plan, we can help you get the most out of it as you work towards your goals. Our range of Capacity Building and Core Support services (below) are offered both in your home and the community.
NDIS Services in Adelaide
NDIS psychosocial disability support provides essential assistance for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), individuals with psychosocial disabilities can access a range of specialised services and supports tailored to their unique needs. NDIS psychosocial support aims to enhance well-being, improve daily functioning, and promote community participation. It may include therapeutic interventions, skill development, recovery planning, and assistance with activities of daily living.
Recovery Coach
Our Recovery Coaches help you understand your experiences of well being and distress, map out the steps you want to take towards recovering and work with you to reach your goals and get the most out of your NDIS plan.
We have personal lived experience of mental distress and our own journey of recovery. We are passionate about helping you towards yours.
Support Coordination
Are you looking for extra support, someone who can understand what you’re going through, specific to your individual needs? Our counsellor Kate has extensive experience supporting people like you with complex needs and distress. Focusing on you and your healing needs, she provides a safe space to explore what’s important and meaningful for you.
Day to Day Needs
Community and Social Connection
Would you like to connect with others and grow your social circle? We can support you to meet new people, try new activities and get to know your local community. Our team members have a range of interests and skill sets to meet your interests and needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is NDIS? What does the NDIS do?
The ndis (national disability insurance scheme), is an australian government initiative designed to support individuals living with disability. The primary goal, is to provide the necessary support and services to enhance their overall well-being, to enable their participation in society. Tailored support plans (which may involve funding) are provided to eligible participants. Participants are then empowered with the choice over which services they can receive.
2. How to access NDIS Supports
To access ndis supports in australia, you need to check your eligibility and make an access request to the national disability insurance agency (ndia). Submit the required documentation along with your access request, and the ndia will review your application. If found eligible, you will work with an ndis planner to develop an individualised support plan tailored to your needs. Once the plan is approved, you can begin accessing the supports and services outlined in it to enhance your overall well-being and participation in everyday activities. For detailed information, visit the official ndis website or contact the ndia directly.
3. What type of NDIS support services can Aspire Recovery Connection help with?
arc provides ndis psychosocial support in areas such as recovery coaching, support coordination, peer support, counselling or therapeutic groups.
4. What is NDIS Support Coordination?
5. How to Find the right NDIS support coordination providers?
finding the right ndis psychosocial support coordinator is a personal process, and it’s essential to select someone who understands and respects your unique circumstances and can support you effectively on your healing journey. Here are some tips to help you find the right coordinator for your needs:
- look for providers who highlight their 100% lived experience, as this can provide a unique understanding of your specific needs and challenges.
- seek recommendations from friends, family or colleagues
- arrange a time to meet to see if you the provider will be the right fit for your style and goals
- consider the level of connection you feel during your interactions and assess if they genuinely listen, respect your choices, and value your lived experience.